Our Aims...

The purposes of the group are to:-

1. Learn collaboratively about the history, heritage, archaeology, architecture, people and environment of Norwich
2. Develop resources and activities that contribute to the wider community’s understanding of history and archaeology
3. Develop activities that enhance/maintain the wellbeing and emotional resilience of club members
4. Be actively inclusive - open, accessible and welcoming to all
5. Represent the area’s heritage and residents by publicizing, commenting and co-ordinating responses on planning, transportation and other proposed changes for the area.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Exploring St Augustine's Church

Tomorrow morning we gather at St Augustine's for a short talk about the church by MW volunteer and author, Stuart McLaren. In keeping with our ethos of active exploration, we will also be looking to discover something about the church for ourselves. In addition, we will be thinking about how we turn a talk into a brief stop as part of a walk. 

If we have time after that i've got a great interactive activity that will help us (a) take notice of things most people miss and (b) generates a vocabluary through which to tell the story of a site. 

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